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Key Insights From the Fresh-Lock team

A brand is a collection of experiences and your packaging plays a major role. Adding reclosability to a flexible pouch can help increase consumer satisfaction with your brand as it adds convenience and product protection. We stay on top of consumer insights, trends, and manufacturing challenges and solutions and share them in our blog so you have easy access to great information to help you navigate your packaging needs. After all, a closure is the gateway to your product and they are not a one-size-fits-all. 

freshlock booth at pack expo
Sustainable Packaging Takes Center Stage at PACK EXPO 2019 in Vegas
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packaging for millenials
What Millennials Want | Packaging Trends for the Largest Consumer Group in History
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omnichannel packaging
Packaging for the Omnichannel Consumer | Don’t Forget About Generation X
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bear naked uses sustainbabe resealable closure
Collaboration is Key: Launching a Fully Sustainable Flexible Pouch
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dog waiting for dog food
How Pet Food Packaging is Evolving to Meet Consumer Preferences
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fitness guy
Choose the Right Packaging for Health & Fitness Focused Consumers
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baby boomers shopping grocery products
Packaging Considerations for Baby Boomer Consumers
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green lightbulb
Packaging for the Sustainably Minded Consumer
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ideas and trends
2019 Flexible Packaging Predictions & Emerging Trends
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