lady grabbing packages

Did you Know:

Packaging Protects Your Products and Adds Convenience to Your Life

Here you’ll find handy information on how packaging can help you simplify your daily routine, save money, and keep both your furry friends and little ones safe. 

We believe informed consumers like you can help brands and designers create packaging that enhances your life. 

So please, check out these tips, share what you love and what you hate, and don’t hesitate to ask your favorite brands to use Fresh-Lock® closures if their pouches aren’t reclosable.   

Let’s make a difference together.

example of a sustainable package

The Fresh-Lock Team Supports Sustainable Consumer Habits

As brands continue to innovate eco-friendly packaging, your role in proper disposal is crucial. Without your active participation in recycling or composting, these efforts fall short. Achieving a greener future requires collaboration between brands and consumers to ensure sustainable practices succeed.

a woman and her child doing laundry
collaboration with kirkland for detergant packaging

Parents: Protect Your Little Ones

It only takes a moment for little hands to grab hold of something potentially dangerous. That’s why we created child-resistant closures designed for reclosable flexible packaging. Rest assured, with child-resistant packaging, one worry is off your mind.

thumbnail from child guard video

Can you spot the difference between candy and household products?

image of candy or poison


image of candy or poison

Creatively packaged and colorfully coated, many potentially harmful household items look identical to candy or popular fruit drinks. These items can easily be mistaken by curious kiddos, posing a serious risk. Are you confident in your ability to distinguish between the two?

Put your instincts to the test! Take our Candy or Poison Safety Quiz.

Learn More About Packaging's Role in Your Day to Day

a little girl putting makeup on a woman
Why Makeup and Personal Care Products can be a Safety Concern
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a baby putting things in their mouth
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